Monday 15 August 2016


  Even after everything I've been through with my fertility struggles, I don't automatically assume that people who don't have children are going through infertility.  However, as this article points out, probing questions about when people are going to have kids can be a little sticky.  I used to hate when people asked if we had kids.  When I was going through my struggles getting pregnant and having multiple miscarriages, I finally just told people, "no we're not having kids".  That usually shut down the conversation.  So I what!  Read more:

"Before you ask the young married couple that has been together for seemingly forever when they are finally gonna start a family ... before you ask the parents of an only-child toddler when a Little Brother or Little Sister will be in the works ... before you ask a single thirtysomething if/when s/he plans on having children because, you know, clock’s ticking ... just stop. Please stop. You don’t know who is struggling with infertility or grieving a miscarriage or dealing with health issues. You don’t know who is having relationship problems or is under a lot of stress or the timing just isn’t right. You don’t know who is on the fence about having kids or having more kids. You don’t know who has decided it’s not for them right now, or not for them ever. You don’t know how your seemingly innocent question might cause someone grief, pain, stress or frustration."

Bingham’s post  (ABOVE) went viral, shared by more than 77,000 people and liked by more than 42,000. It’s not surprising that Bingham’s message struck such a chord. Being a woman of childbearing age can feel like being stuck in a glass pressure-cooker; the heat is rising, the pressure is on, the timer is ticking (or so we’re constantly told) and it seems as if the whole world is watching.

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