The Facts on Almond Nutrition
Did you know that one ounce of almonds has as much calcium as ¼ cup of milk as well as providing 35% of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. Vitamin E has been proven to help prevent some forms of cancer.
Almonds are also high in folic acid which helps prevent birth defects and have higher levels of magnesium than those found in spinach or oatmeal.
The phosphorous found in almonds helps to build strong bones and teeth and some of the other nutrients contained in almonds are protein, fiber, iron, zinc, copper and phytochemicals.
Almonds come with a long and rich history. Almonds are mentioned in the book of Numbers which dates back to around 1400 BC. Then around 300BC explorers traveling along the "Silk Road" between Asia and the Mediterranean brought along almonds to eat. These explorers consequently began to grow almonds in such new regions as Morocco, Greece, Israel, Italy and Spain.
During Roman times almonds were considered to be a fertility charm. Maybe ancient Romans new of the nutritional value of almonds and figured it couldn't hurt with fertility. During the mid 18th century almonds made there way from Spain to California. It took a century or so for the almond trees to become established and produce the volumes of almonds we see today.
Then by the early 1900's the San Joaquin and Sacramento areas of California were well established as leaders in the almond industry.
Shauna Hanus is a gourmet cook who specializes in creating gourmet recipes. She has extensive experience cooking with easy to find grocery items to create delightful gourmet meals. She is also the publisher of a no cost bi-monthly gourmet newsletter. Her newsletter is always fun and informational packed with tips and trivia you can use everyday.
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