No matter what type of depression you have, the pain is the same, caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Whatever you are depressed, or even if you do not know why you're depressed, there are some simple things you can do to reduce the pain and anxiety, and you get to feel better.
Techniques and cognitive behavioral simple exercises can reduce pain and stimulate productive thinking. The physical and mental activity Low key can also speed recovery.
1. Relax your shoulders, take a deep breath and do not panic! Millions of people are completely normal struggled with all kinds of depression and learned how to get by. You are not alone. You have the choice.
2. First, why do you feel so bad? Not because of his problems. It is due to the chemistry of your brain. There are two main parts of the brain, the thinking part (neocortex) and emotional part (sub-cortex). When you are depressed, your subcortex reacts to stress chemicals, and producing excruciating pain and panic.
3. To add to their misery, subcortex sucks extra energy neocortical neuronal up virtually no operation. So you can not think clearly, the more they are in agony.
4. You feel helpless, but there is much you can do. Your body knows perfectly normal to the oversupply of stress chemicals in the brain's response.
5. It is necessary to reduce neuronal energy in the sub-cortex and revive the neocortex. You can do this with the cognitive-behavioral minds awaken to neuronal activity in the neocortex techniques. With a little practice, you'll be able to do at all times depression hits. Some facts about the functioning of your brain will also help you to cope.
6. Your first task is to free the kinds of negative and depressing thoughts that enhances the subcortex and bear the pain of depression. Get rid of thoughts like:
• "I am depressed"
• "I feel bad"
• "What is the use '
• "I can not stand this pain"
7. Change your thoughts! To get rid of depressive thoughts, just change of thinking. Because the brain is essentially a "brain yes," it's hard not to think of something. How to think in a negative or depressive thinking is to think another thought instead of him.
8. The best way to think of another idea rather than a depressing thought is to use a single cognitive behavioral technique called "brainswitching. 'dropoff window
Choose any thought or neutral meaningless, in advance, of having "the list" to replace any depressive thinking that appears. When you are depressed, you are too much pain to think.
• Make it a thought that will not encourage any form of negative emotional association. It could be
• a silly song or rhyme stanza like "Row, Row, Row Your Boat '
• a mantra Om Padme '
• a neutral word or nonsense like "hippity hop," green frog "or" blah blah "
• a prayer Psalm 23.
9. It may seem absurd to suggest that say 'green frog' several times for it can get rid of depression, but there is a scientific reason for the year. Think neutral or nonsense thought disturbs the depressive thought pattern and weakens. How? See No. 10.
10. The brain always follows the direction of its most recent dominant thought. When you make your neutral or dominant absurd thought still think and automatically begins repetitive depressive thinking outside their dominant position and the brain stops active surveillance. He turns to the neutral thought.
11. brainswitching automatically increased neural activity in the cerebral cortex, and reduce neural activity in subcortical. Interrupt the message that you are depressed part of the brain to another.
12. brainswitching distract you from your emotional brain and leads to the thinking part of the brain. Depression occurs only in subcortical. Never depression in the neocortex.
13. Can brainswitch for a few seconds the first time you try it. With practice you can do more. You might be surprised to learn that even in the worst depression, the neocortex is always calm and immediately available for you. And you can always brainswitch it.
14. Keep your choice of neutral thought again when the concentration is lost. You really should do this exercise to activate the neocortex. This is not just an idea. The ideas do not work for depression. Only behavior works. A thought is just a thought, but the thought of a thought again and again is the behavior!
15. brainswitch always break the continuity of the clutches of depression in you. Depression, like any other emotion or feeling anxious, can not be maintained unless thinking repeatedly. Think of something else instead-like "green frog '.
16. I do not think a depressive think twice. No depressive thinking can, itself, become depressed if you continually refuse to find. A depressive thinking finished as fast as any other thought. Do not choose to think again. Depression hits you with a first thought, but may refuse to think about thinking. For depression to "seize", we must continually think.
17. take action! Always brainswitch whenever a stressful thought or depressive threat of "support". An unhappy thought is just a thought. You can pop into your mind at any time. It is an event that happens to you. Choose think again a sad thought, anxious or depressed and still is behavior. This is something you do and you can learn to do it.
18. Be aware of feelings of sadness or negative early warning that normally precede a depressive episode in itself. Immediately face your depression. "Well, I know what it is. It's just depression. I have to dodge a neutral thought."
19. Exit the depression in the early stages of the output to the passive reflection happens when you just let your mind wander. Passive thinking can often "negative" on you. When he does, change to thinking about the negative effect becomes dominant thought in your brain. The way to do "in fact" thinking is to choose a special thought to think, or the decision to do some homework which then directs his thoughts with the task at hand.
20. Pry you lost to merge with the pain of depression before disappearing into it.
Find a little space between you and thought her pain. Yes, you feel distressed and desperate, but you can focus a little away from his agony and despair. You are not without hope, you are the observer of his sense of hopelessness. Accept some discomfort for a more independent way. Depression is a horrible feeling. Not you! YOU you are! You are not a feeling. You are a person who is having a feeling.
21. Focus your mind on a physical action low profile:
• Brush your teeth.
• Clean your desktop.
• Swing your arms in circles.
• Jog, or take a walk and keep walking until you get tired.
• Smile! Not because you're happy, but relax the tense face muscles.
22. Obtain and goes with any type of exercise moving around. More you move into physical action, less depression has a chance to settle on you. Put on some music and dance around the room. Not because you feel like dancing, but because depression hates dancing. Do something depression hates.
23. distract from the pain of depression with small tasks. Get them while thinking its neutral or absurd thought. Do your homework. Think of your mind. Ignore her depression objectively think what you do not subjectively about how you feel. Stress and pain begin to decline.
24. Look around if you can not think of any task to do. There is always a "next thing" that can distract from the pain. Any external action oriented can help you turn away from the auto focus on the pain of depression. Take out the garbage.
25. Does the "next thing" when paralyzed with fear or depression. Life never leaves us without giving us the "next thing" to do. It is security for our mental health and the healing power of positive behavior. The following may be simply to take a shower.
26. After the first task, the second task will be even more obvious. Did you decide to do, not what you want to do. Depression robs you of "will" only motivation. You do not have to do anything, but you can do.
27. Focus on behavior, not feelings! Since depression kills motivation, use your exercise "neutral thought" as if it is a pill motivation. Fast! Drag a neutral thought in depressive thinking.
28. decide in advance to make your exercise anyway, even if it feels like it will not work. Anticipate that depression always deprives you of all hope, including the hope that any exercise will work.
29. Behaviour outweighs the feelings. But for a win to win, you have to play. No fear or feeling depressed is powerful enough to prevent the participation of their bodies in a kind of mental or physical behavior. Just deal with their fear and show 'who's boss. "The behavior is the boss.
• No feelings of fear or depression can reach and conquer. You must be scary to surrender.
• Feelings are only their own neural models knell of attention.
• Accept the feelings of fear; advance positive behavior.
• When you accept feelings of fear, the end and die. Fear feeds them and keeps them alive
• Feelings can not be more powerful than you - rules of behavior!
30. Depression is not something you are, it's something you do and you can learn to do it. Depression is a terrible feeling. Feelings are very powerful, but are not smart. They may be wrong. You do not have to feelings. You can change the way of thinking that caused the feelings and sentiments then change to reflect the new thoughts. The goal always thought triumph of passive or automatic thought.
31. In the thinking of the goal is always more current than the passive thought, it is automatically more dominant than passive thought. Your brain always follows the direction of its most recent dominant thought. If the reasons for depression are printed, put them into practice, do not worry. The practice of a new thought form new brain models without depression. You can use the new get-out-of-the models depression rather than depression in the former.
32. During the depression, physical pain, psychological fear, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness are all united and entangled in a neural model acquires a seemingly life independent of our will. The key here is apparently. We are not aware that generally we focus our attention on our will when we are depressed. We specialize in depressive tendency. We can focus on our behavior instead.
33. decide to focus on something - a book or work. Depression does not prevent him from concentrating. This is a myth. Depression makes you forget that you are concentrating on something, depression! Do not let depression interrupt the work. Let's work to interrupt her depression.
34. Whenever depression interrupts your concentration, interrupting again! Just care. If you are thinking of a quiet, nonsense, or productive rational thought, you can not at the same time, think a depressing thought.
35. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. What kind of think you do passive or short, self-centered or focused externally, subjective (feelings) or objective (in other things) are indicated. The inner dialogue is conversation you have with yourself in your own mind that usually does not listen.
36. Remember, your mind is wrong! Your mind mistaken thinking of transferring internal dialogue unnoticed. Trick again! Replace negative self-talk. If you hit a red light, the internal dialogue might be "going to be late!" Change to "Relax, I'll be fine."
37. Do you think you are depressed about their problems. It's a trick of the mind. You are always depressed about their depression. Is chemistry! Anxious thoughts trigger the fight-or-flight, which manufactures chemical products of stress, which causes a chemical imbalance in the brain.
38. Apparently, your whole being is depressed. It's a trick of the mind. Depression occurs only in the sub-cortex. Never depression in the thinking part of the brain.
39. Depression seems that the current reality. It's a trick of the mind. Depression is a past feeling, which then has to play (cropping) in memory "as if" it is the current reality. This is due to the method "of the instant pain perception. To experience any sensation of pain or physical emotion (which always occurs in the subcortical) should first think (recognize) the feeling in the neocortex after we have.
The cases occurred among athletes who break a bone during a game and feel no pain until the game is over. Concentration of the neocortex in the game locked pain signals sent to the neocortex that would have alerted them to the pain of his injury.
40. Depression is the opposite of life in the present. Thinking about what you feel is to feel re-played in thought "as if" it is present. The process of a sense spent as a gift happening is below our level of consciousness, but once we realize this, you can drag a quick neutral thought in our depression and weaken it.
41. There is a difference between self-focus and self-awareness. Auto-focus is to think about how you feel and never connects to the current reality. Self-awareness is the link with the current reality for outdoors is centered. When you are focused on yourself, go external focus as soon as possible with physical, mental or objective which is connected to the neocortical activity. Auto-focus is the opposite of living in the present, because the auto-focus is thinking about his feelings, which are always "passed".
42. To exit autofocus and connected to the current reality, objective thoughts about people or physical things around him. Thinking or talking to someone else. Objective thinking can help you peel the subjective thought of the pain of her depression. It also helps when you feel self-conscious, socially stressed and alienated.
43. It's really hard. If you feel bad, he has unwittingly entered your brain to feel bad. The brain works by learned Association (think "salt" to think "pepper" automatically triggers). A negative thought his brain is loaded with fire similar negative thoughts in your memory bank. If you have "and" like rotten "as" depressed "pop-up, or" unnecessary "or" I feel very bad. "Sad thoughts"
44. When you think of all thought at all, that thought is a specific instruction of your brain, because it works by learned association. Choose your brain to think like a football, and connect with other like-minded stored in its memory banks. Think '' No '' sad green frog.
45. Use 'association has learned to "get out of depression in the same way you have in it. Neutral spark thoughts with other neutral thoughts and movements of the brain thought to neutral depressive thinking.
46. Get the "process of positivity" work for you in your brain. The inherent importance of any small victory is irrelevant. The process of being positive is more important than the content.
47. Even if the excess ate there might be a little something happened up. "Hey, I do not eat that third brownie. I was victorious over the third brownie." Our small victories do not have to make sense in the "real world." They just have to be positive so that they can encourage positive thinking in our mind learned association.
48. Reattach! His depression wants to be isolated and kept out. Fight! Re-engage with other people or things, cinema, reading biographies in the library, take a walk downtown long.
49. Ask your thoughts. It is useful to think about this, or is useless? Is it useful to believe, or is useless? Useless thoughts should never be an option. No thought can make you think of him. You have the power not to think any thought. To not have a thought, just think instead of another idea of him as "hippity hop."
50. Do not call yourself names like "I'm depressed" or "I'm bipolar. Disease labels like "I'm bipolar" do not help patients with wellness cancer feel better, they say they are. "Do better" instead of thinking ". I have cancer "deal
these names as negative thoughts.
51. See their problems in the context of the time, a week of his life; in terms of aid that may be available from family or friends; in terms of character development failure experience.
52. Carry a pocket joke. When the threat depression, read the book for at least five minutes. Depression will not want to. Do anyway.
53. laugh for two minutes. The brain does not know the difference between being happy and pretend to be happy. Happy thoughts produce feelings of happiness. The feelings are genuine, but the thoughts that generated them were false.
54. Put depression as long as you can. "It's coming, but I'll do my back exercises all the way up here. "Or," I'll check my email first. "Thus, the direct neural pathway to depression is interrupted, and the brain can" forget "that went into depression.
55. To produce the calm thought, neutral force thoughts into your brain as you exercise your body strength. This trace in your memory bank used a neural model that you can still access the depressive episodes. If you want to be happy, you must first get your brain to make him happy.
56. Allow space for your feelings of panic. They are very scary, but these are very normal reactions to chemical stress are the same in every human body. It may be difficult to breathe or swallow, your heart may start running, you can get the shakes and sweats, feeling as if you will die! Let your feelings be where they are, while you are temporarily focuses attention on a few deep breaths. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. Breathing does not have to be perfect. It's as simple as that. Watch your breath coming in and see him go. IN and OUT.
57. Depression is not real life. It is a room of mind panic. Back to leave your panic room in real life again.
58. You are responsible for your mind, not the mind (as in charge of you.) You must be in charge of your mind, it does what you want. You must direct your thinking, it collapses; manage the cognitive states of mind, do not obey them.
59. It is not necessary to think about the age of horror stories. You say. "I will not go." How do you not think the head there is another part of his mind. Your brain can not keep two schools of thought that goes in two directions at once. The current dominant thought is followed.
60. You can choose to live in the philosophy that you accept any other option to get your day in any productive way, so humble, no matter how you feel hopeless.
61. It is not the power of positive thinking. It is also the power to make positive! When you are depressed, do something physically and mentally active. Reengage attention to any objective thought or external attention and get you out of a dangerous home subjective.
62. The thoughts are not reality. These are tools to help you in your day. Choose the right tools. If you think you have good thoughts feeling good, look good in others and in yourself, and see the good things your way.
63. You can not always choose to be happy. You can always choose to be gay. Happiness is a feeling. Joy is indeed rational behavior. Be cheerful ultimately makes you happy.
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