Let there be no doubt that depression is a serious mental illness that requires months and sometimes years of treatment on the road to recovery. Hippocrates called depression as melancholia, which literally means black bile. Black bile, along with blood, phlegm, yellow bile were the four humors (fluids) that describe the theory of basic medical physiology at the time. Depression, also known as clinical depression, has been portrayed in literature and the arts for hundreds of years, but what we mean today when we refer to a depressive disorder? In the 19th century, depression was considered a weakness inherited temperament. In the first half of the 20th century, Freud linked the development of depression to guilt and conflict. John Cheever, the author and a modern sufferer of depressive disorder, wrote of conflict and experiences with his parents as influencing his development of depression.
Every year millions of people come to the conclusion that suffer from depression. To make matters worse, it is estimated that only a third of those who suffer from the disease will again seek treatment. Because depression is considered a mental illness, many patients avoid seeking help from a doctor. Instead of being seen as mentally ill, people try to manage the problem themselves. Depression is the most common place you think and it will not go away by itself.
Depression has no single cause; often it is the result of a combination of things. You can have no idea why depression has struck you.
Whatever its cause, depression is not just a state of mind. It is related to physical changes in the brain, and connected to an imbalance of a type of chemical that transmits signals in the brain and nerves. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters.
Some of the most common factors involved in depression are:
* Family history. Genetics plays a role in depression. It can run in families for generations.
* The trauma and stress. Things like financial problems, relationship breakdown or death of a loved one can trigger depression. You can become depressed after changes in your life, like starting a new job, graduate school, or get married.
* Pessimistic personality. People who have low self esteem and a negative outlook are more at risk of falling into depression. These features may in fact be caused by the depression of low level (called dysthymia).
* The physical conditions. Serious medical conditions such as heart disease, cancer and HIV may contribute to depression, partly due to physical weakness and stress involved. Depression can worsen medical conditions, because it weakens the immune system and can make pain harder to bear. In some cases, depression can be caused by drugs used to treat medical conditions.
* Other psychological disorders. Anxiety disorders, disorders, schizophrenia, and (especially) substance abuse, eating often occur with depression.
Why depression? The answer can be very complicated because you have to take into account many factors. The list is quite long. Let's list some of the factors that contribute to depression. A chemical imbalance is widely regarded as the main cause of depression. Why is this chemical problem in the brain? Usually the causes are from biological implications, genetic, physical, mental and environmental. In many cases, the underlying cause is never identified. Depression often follows diagnosis of other medical conditions, especially those that result in imminent death or are chronic.
Scientists do not know why the hippocampus is smaller in people with depression. Some researchers have found that cortisol, the stress hormone overproduction is in depressed people. These researchers believe that cortisol has a toxic or toxic effect in the hippocampus. Some experts suggest that depressed people are simply born with a smaller hippocampus and therefore tend to suffer from depression.
Another cause of depression may be the emotional pain felt after losing a loved one. In many cases, the loss can be very traumatic. Long periods of physical, emotional, sexual or otherwise can lead to depression. When people abuse drugs and / or alcohol the result is often depression. Mental states are fragile people. If you have been exposed to the wrong pressures can lead to depression. Can also be a genetic component to depression. The persons concerned have a family history of the disease. Interestingly, many drugs, including those governing depression or anxiety can cause depression. High blood pressure drugs can cause depression.
One of the main causes of depression is stress. Stress can come from many different areas in our life. It is not well known, but true, that stress can be the result of the pressures associated with positive events, such as a new, well-paying job. The unknown is often the cause of this stress, positive or negative. The arguments with family members, conflicts with business customers can also cause stress.
The causes of clinical depression may be different for different people. Sometimes a depressive episode may seem to come from nowhere in a time when everything seems fine. Other times, depression can be directly linked to an important event in our lives, like the loss of a loved one, living trauma or fighting against a chronic disease.
Research indicates that depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain. Brain imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the brains of people with depression are different from those without depression. Parts of the brain responsible for regulating mood, thinking, sleep, appetite and behavior appear to function normally. In addition, important chemical neurotransmitters that brain cells use to communicate, seem out of balance. But these images do not reveal why depression has occurred.
Scientists believe that genetic factors play a role in some depressions. The researchers hope, for example, approach the genetic markers for susceptibility to manic-depressive illness.
Depression in adolescence comes at a time of great change, when the children of staff form a distinct identity of their parents, the treatment of gender issues and emerging sexuality, and make decisions for the first time in their lives. Depression in adolescence frequently co-occurs with other disorders such as anxiety, disruptive behavior, eating disorders or substance abuse. It can also lead to an increased risk of suicide.
Teen depression can not always be avoided, but there are some things that can help reduce the chances of an episode of depression in an adolescent who is at risk.
The teen depression is presented for troubled teens or parents of teens. We provide information on adolescent depression, problems, and other problems of adolescence. Our articles have been written to educate parents and teens about teen depression, signs, and various treatment options available.
Some causes of depression in adolescents appear to be genetic, and it can not be changed, but other triggers of depression in adolescence can be avoided. Some of the risk factors for adolescent depression include:
* Personal or family history of depression
* A long illness or disability, whether physical or mental
Living trauma or loss, including violence, parental divorce, death of a loved one or a break
* Difficulties at home, at school or with friends
If you know a young person who has or is at risk for depression, you can help your teen by:
* Talking and listening to him
* Encouraging or is involved in positive activities and take good care of you
* Be fair when it comes to discipline or adolescent
* Set a good example of a good care of yourself and get help if you feel depressed or overwhelmed.
Most older people with depression improve when treated with antidepressants, psychotherapy or a combination of both.18 Research has shown that medication alone and combination therapy are effective in reducing the rate of depression recurrence in most adults older. Psychotherapy alone may also be effective in prolonging periods free of depression, especially for older people with minor depression, and is particularly useful for those who can not or do not want to take antidepressants.
Additional research data suggests that people who suffer from depression have imbalances of neurotransmitters, natural substances that allow brain cells to communicate with each other. Two transmitters involved in depression are serotonin and norepinephrine. Scientists believe that a serotonin deficiency can cause sleep problems, irritability, and anxiety associated with depression. Similarly, a decrease in the amount of norepinephrine, which regulates alertness and excitation, can contribute to fatigue and depressed mood of the disease. Other body chemicals can also be modified in depressed people. Among them is cortisol, a hormone that the body produces in response to stress, anger or fear. In normal individuals, the level of cortisol in the bloodstream peaks in the morning and then decreases as the day progresses. In people with depression, however, cortisol peaks earlier in the morning and do not stabilize or decrease in the afternoon or evening.
There is evidence that depression is a serious toll on physical health. More recent studies exploring the health and depression assessed patients with stroke or coronary heart disease. The results showed that people with depression who are recovering from strokes or attacks more difficult to make heart health care decisions, as prescribed by your doctor, and challenges that their illness gifts. Another study showed that patients with depression also have an increased risk of death in the first months after a heart attack.
Some people have a low threshold for stress. They are affected by the events and activities that others seem to be stressful. The good news is that there are very effective treatments to help those who are depressed. However, only about a third of people who are depressed actually benefit from treatment. This is unfortunate, since more than 80 to 90% of those who do seek treatment may feel better in a few weeks. Many people do not seek treatment for depression for a variety of reasons. Some believe that depression is the result of personal weakness or character flaw. This is simply not true. Such as diabetes, heart disease or any other medical condition, clinical depression is a disease that must be treated by a mental health professional or physician. Another reason why many people do not seek help for depression is that they simply do not recognize the symptoms or signs that something may be wrong.
Knowing is half the battle. If you or someone you love suffers from depression, please consult your doctor.
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