Wednesday 5 October 2016

Miracle happens sometimes…..

Infertility is perceived as a social problem in our country, with various medical manifestations. However, advances in medical science have made it possible for infertile couples to experience the joy of parenthood Guru Infertility Center Madurai provides treatment for men and women under one roof.

What is Infertility?
Infertility is defined as a couple’s inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse.
What is ART?
Any medical technique that helps couples conceive can be called as an assisted reproductive technology.

What are the various treatment options available for infertility?
Treatment for Male Infertility
  • Sperm retrieval: Sperm has to be collected before fertilization using intrauterine insemination (IUI) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can take place, the sperm must be collected and prepared.
  • Sperm Washing: Sperm is washed from the seminal fluid to improve the ability of sperm to move towards the egg.
  • Intrauterine Insemination (Artificial Insemination): This is the least complex of fertility procedures and the preliminary step tried in uncomplicated cases of infertility.
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): When male infertility is the main factor for infertility, intracytoplasmic sperm injection is used.

Treatment for women Infertility

  • Lifestyle changes: body weight control, quit smoking, avoid excessive exercise, Quit or limit caffeine and alcohol. Stop any unnecessary medications.
  • To increase your chances of getting pregnant, some factors are considered like Planned sexual activity at the time of ovulation, Frequency of Intercourse, Dealing with Stress, Fertility restoration:
  • There are several fertility drugs for abnormal LH and FSH production.
  • Several surgical procedures can correct problems or otherwise improve female fertility.  issue removal, Tubal reversal surgery (microscopic), Tubal surgeries
  • Treating the underlying medical conditions like PCOS, Hyperprolactinemia Immunological infertility, Endometriosis. Depending on the severity of the condition, drug treatment, surgery of assisted reproduction is used.

At Guru Infertility center provides best ART Treatment at Madurai .It is affordable to the common people as there are cashless treatments. It is a ray of hope for all childless couples.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

FERTILE TURTLE BRACELET many of you may have already seen on my website, I have started a new line of fertility jewelry with natural stones and fertility symbolism from around the world. Our newest addition is the "Fertile Turtle" Bracelet. This is a fun and meaningful piece of jewelry with genuine rose quartz and white turquoise.

Rose Quartz pink color of rose quartz is thought to attract love energy. Rose quartz is thought to carry feminine energy and it targets the heart chakra. Rose quartz promotes vitality, energy and fertility and it is commonly thought of as a fertility stone. It can also be helpful to put rose quartz on your belly when you do become pregnant.

White Turquoise

More rare than the traditional Turquoise, White Turquoise brings calmness, aligns the chakras and unites male and female energy. It reduces acidity which is good for female fertility. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it helps to alleviate pain and cramps.
The Turtle

The turtle symbolizes fertility, they lay a large number of eggs and have a large number of offspring. Turtles have 13 squares in the middle of its shell and are connected to the 13 full moons each year. They also have 28 smaller squares around the outside which are associated with the 28 days of the lunar month corresponding to a woman’s cycle.

Sunday 2 October 2016


If you've never heard of a "chakra", it is a Sanskrit word and it means wheel or vortex. A chakra is thought to be part of the non-physical body through which energy moves. Although there are many more than 7, typically the following represents the main chakras of the body:

You can see that each chakra has a name and is associated with a particular color and stone.  The sacral chakra governs both female and male fertility.  I have created a new page on my website with much more.

Wednesday 28 September 2016


Ive written many times about fertility tea recipes and formulas that are on the market...but what about just the regular tea you usually find in grocery stores or in restaurants?  What about green tea?  Well, it turns out that both green tea and regular tea have many helpful ingredients and nutrients that can improve overall health and fertility.  Regular tea and green tea both have polyphenols and hypoxanthine which may be responsible for more viable embryos and possibly a greater chance of fertilization. Both of these teas contain caffeine, so the decaffeinated variety may be best because there is evidence that caffeine can harm fertility and contribute to miscarriage.

Life is a Trigger

You may have noticed that it's been winter all year here at Conceiving Hope.

Sometimes life is permeated with a grey, foggy haze that doesn't lift. That's the best way to describe 2016. The death of a parent. The death of another child. The death of an aunt. The death of a friend. A new diagnosis - this time a disease brought on by pregnancy itself. And so winter wasn't coming, it just never left.

I'm mostly still back at January 22nd, even now. Remembering every bit of that morning before I knew my world had changed.... remembering a peace that was a lie. Freshly fallen snow that morning, a hot cup of tea, a slow start to the day, and time spent soaking it in. Yet far away, the loss of a parent in those same moments. It's strikes me even now how eerily silent it was that morning. Hauntingly so, as crystals formed, and snow flakes settled and everything in the world was frozen for a moment...

Grief is a strange sensation. Like the snow that morning, it is mostly silent - but discernibly there. And after the snow, it's even like the feel of sticky morning dew on bare skin in springtime. Or like a thick, hot breath inwards on a particularly humid summer evening. Or that first crisp scent of Autumn in the air that catches your nose.

They are all so distinct, aren't they? Familiar, yet new. Recognizable, yet different. There, yet not really. The deafening quiet of that snowy morning and particularly the change of the seasons this year are some of the most poignant to me still, as I think back on the loss. The world kept going, but I did not. And loss upon loss, I became numb. I didn't even keep up motions in my numbness. I just was. Or am. Or something...

In 2016, all of life has seemed a trigger. Maybe it's hope delayed? Or maybe this is some Phoenix metaphor where I have to be burned to ashes before some dramatic rebirth. Perhaps my Hashimoto's is conjuring up exactly that scenario. I'm not sure, nor does it really matter much which it is. I just am. Or whatever is left of me, anyway.

Losing a parent is so very different than losing a child. Almost everyone can relate to one, and very few can relate to the other. Yes, losing a parent is expected at some point, but even in the shared experience - the reality of it is utterly unique and unshareable.

I buried my father on my birthday. And since the year I was born, it always snows that day. It did that day too. I'm not sure how it's 8 months past that day already, but it is. I'm still in winter, stuck in January, and the rest of you kept going.

Monday 26 September 2016


Maca For Fertility - How It Works and How To Use It

One of the most common questions I get is from men and women who have heard about using maca to boost their chances of having a child.. Judging from these questions, there's a good deal of misinformation out there regarding how to use maca in this way. That's why I wanted to offer this detailed article.
How Maca Helps Both Men and Women
Maca is one of a few herbs that are believed to be "adaptogens." These special kinds of herbs adapt to a variety of conditions within a given body and help restore it to a healthy balance. Maca in particular works on the endocrine system to balance hormones in both men and women.
Scientific studies, some of which are referenced below, have found that using black maca boosts sperm count in men and even increases sperm activity. Similar studies show that females given maca respond with increased regularity in cycles and easier ovulation. Another result of taking the herb is a marked increase in libido for both men and women.


In addition to balancing hormones taking this superfood powder also provides excellent nutritional support. It is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamin and minerals. Both men and women who are properly nourished greatly increase the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child.
Tips On Using Maca To Boost Your Chances of Conception
If you do decide to use maca in this way there are several things that you should do and keep in mind in order to maximize your success.

  1. Use only high quality, fresh, certified organic products. Unfortunately there are many inferior products on the market that are made from chemically grown maca or from old maca roots that have lost their potency.
  2. Use the right amount. Using maca in this way is considered to be a therapeutic usage and therefore you need to take a therapeutic dosage consistently and regularly.
  3. Both partners should take it For maximum efficacy you and your partner should be taking the powder. Maca comes with a number of other benefits, so it should be easy to convince him/her to do so.
  4. Women should consider using red maca. It's the rarest and most nutritionally dense form of the plant. It's also the best for female fertility.
  5. Men should use black maca. It has been shown to increase sperm count and sperm motility

Scientific Studies on Maca Relevant to This Topic

  • Gonzales, G. F., et al. "Effect of Black maca (Lepidium meyenii) on one spermatogenic cycle in rats." Andrologia. 2006 Oct; 38(5): 166-72.
  • Bustos-Obregon, E., et al. "Lepidium meyenii (Maca) reduces spermatogenic damage induced by a single dose of malathion in mice." Asian J. Androl. 2005 Mar; 7(1): 71-6.
  • Ruiz-Luna, A.C., et al. "Lepidium meyenii (Maca) increases litter size in normal adult female mice." Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 2005 May; 3(1): 16.
  • Gonzales, C., et al. "Effect of short-term and long-term treatments with three ecotypes of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on spermatogenesis in rats." J. Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Feb 20; 103(3): 448-54.
  • Fertile Lady Supplement
    Supplement with Maca
  • Gonzales, G. F., et al. "Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on spermatogenesis in male rats acutely exposed to high altitude (4340 m)." J. Endocrinol. 2004; 180(1): 87-95.

If you are looking to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally, without invasive surgical procedures, maca is certainly the supplement to try. Adding maca for fertility to any program or strategy can only help your overall health and chances of conceiving a child.

Friday 23 September 2016


So what exactly is inositol (or myoinositol)?  It is one of the B Vitamins (actually thought of as vitamin B8).  For women who are trying to conceive, inositol has been associated with higher quality eggs and may help with blastocyst development.  For women who have been diagnosed with PCOS, Inositol may help with insulin sensitivity of the ovary.  If you are taking a multivitamin, be sure it has the recommended daily amount of inositol.  There are also a number of supplements on the market that focus on inositol and other essential nutrients for those trying to conceive.