Friday 29 April 2016

START ASKING: For Infertility Awareness Year Round

Yesterday, I had the great fortune of having a blog piece posted on The Huffington Post about #NIAW. It’s called, “National Infertility Awareness Week: Changing the Dialogue". After years of writing posts here on my personal infertility blog, I wanted to try to write something more “fertile public facing” as a subtle clearing of my throat to say, “Ahem… really though fertiles! It’s National Infertility Awareness Week. It’s about making YOU aware. Us infertiles are already more than aware how much it sucks.”

I’ve got to tell you though: Even though I haven’t been writing here often at all (which frustrates me more than you know), a day doesn’t go by when I’m not talking infertility (whether people want to hear it or not). One of the biggest highlights bringing the issue of infertility to the public at large is the recent premiere of HAVEABABY. It’s impossible to overstate how proud I am to be involved in this powerful documentary that is a raw, honest look at the costly and emotional rollercoaster those struggling to conceive go through. Click HERE to see the trailer.

It’s also yet another example of RESOLVE’s out of the box thinking to reach and educate others who don’t understand the plight of infertility. They partnered with the HAVEABABY team to help promote the film… and of course, awareness.

I’d like this post here on my blog though to be more to those who know all too well the sting of being reproductively challenged. This blog, The 2 Week Wait, has been my support group for many years, has seen me through dark times, has given me an outlet for both my sense of humor and sorrow that I felt when failing to have children and it has connected me to so many amazing men, women, couples and family building groups. Even though, again, I don’t post on here often, this blog will never stop meaning the world to me. This is why I come back here this week to aim to raise awareness AND to ask you to “Start Asking” for more.

To any of you who have been touched by infertility: It does not matter where you are in your journey. We need to stop feeling embarrassed or less than for having fertility issues. No one apologizes for having medical issues, why should we? Yes, it’s difficult to out ourselves. (Man, is that an understatement!?!?) And yes, we open ourselves up to stupid advice. ("Why yes, I did try cough syrup to help my cervical mucus. Thanks!") But until we overcome our shame and advocate for ourselves, few others will. That is a painful, ugly truth.

One in eight suffer from infertility. If the one stays silent, the other seven will never know or understand that pain. We must not stay silent. I know it’s so personal. I truly do but until we start asking to be noticed, recognized and acknowledged as a medical issue that employers and insurance need to assist like they do any other disease, we will continued to be ignored.

I’ve said this often on Twitter but the movie MOTHER’S DAY opened today – during National Infertility Awareness Week. Take Your Child to Work Day was yesterday. Is it me or does the public at large still not seem to get it? I don’t think it’s being overly sensitive to recognize what this week is supposed to be about and you’d think the marketing team at Open Road Pictures would have looked into it.

My point is PLEASE – Start Asking for awareness year round. When someone asks you why you don’t have kids, ask them if they’ve ever heard about infertility issues and then educate their fertile and innocently ignorant selves.

Start asking your HR department for coverage. Start asking your relatives for support. Come to Advocacy Day and start asking your lawmakers for help. Start asking your co-workers, friends, family and government for respect. Any opportunity you get, start asking for more.

Yes, it’s National Infertility Awareness Week but we need to start asking for true awareness of this painful, emotional, psychological issue so that this week won’t be needed anymore.

As always, with hope, humor and hugs.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Artificial Insemination In Tamil Nadu

The most happiest moment in everyone’s life is the time when they become parents. Some of them miss this moment because of some issue. Guru Multispeciality Hospital helps you to figure it out. And this hospital provides all infertility treatments including Artificial Insemination Technique.

Artificial insemination (AI) is the least complex fertility technique. AI technique is tried in uncomplicated case. It introduces the sperm into cervix or into the uterus. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) is the standard AI technique with less expensive and also the risk of multiple birth.. Before Artificial insemination, doctor prescribes both male and female to do the test to identify the count and motility of the male’s sperm and success of female’s ovulation. Intracervical and intrauterine are the types of insemination.

Intracervical Insemination (ICI) :-

In this technique, a needleless syringe is used to inject the raw or unwashed semen into the cervix. ICI is the most common and easiest insemination technique

Intratubal Insemination (ITI) :-

ITI comprise injection of washed sperm into fallopian tube.

Intrauterine Tuboperitoneal Insemination (IUTPI) :- 

Intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination can be useful for moderate or mild male infertility and unexplained infertility. It includes injection of washed sperm into both fallopian tube and uterus.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) :- 

This technique places the sperm either directly in the cervix or into the uterus using catheter. IUI is the most efficient method of artificial insemination.

Artificial Insemination Treatment is also used for different fertility problems. And this technique is popular for male having low sperm count and sperm that are not strong enough for moving through cervix to fallopian tube. Female with unreceptive cervical mucus (it helps sperm to move through cervix) also prefer this treatment. 

Guru Hospital offers different infertility treatments in effective way with the help of prominent doctors and also provides Artificial Insemination In Tamil Nadu.


Wednesday 13 April 2016


Many of them are not aware about the advanced infertility treatments available in the hospitals. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are in the list of treatments. Guru Infertility Hospital Madurai provides all the advanced Infertility Treatments in Madurai.

What is IVF ??

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the process of combining an egg with the sperm in a laboratory dish. Later, embryo is transferred into uterus. Main intention of this treatment is to treat women with damaged fallopian tubes. Advancement of this treatment increases the live birth rate. Now a days, IVF is used in male infertility problems and also in the fertility treatments for women with endometriosis (it is a disorder, when a tissue grow outside the uterus)


4 Steps of IVF Process : 


Ovarian Stimulation: In this step, women take drugs for the stimulation of ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
Egg Retrieval: For retrieving the eggs, the doctor insert an ultrasound-guided probe into the vagina. Then, a needle is used for draining the liquid from the follicles (small gland), and several eggs are retrieved.
Fertilization and Embryo Culture: Sperm is collected from the donor or partner. Active sperm is mixed with the eggs in the chamber. And sperm and eggs are moved into the incubator ( small apparatus used for placing the premature babies are placed) and monitor to confirm that healthy embryos are developing.
Embryo Transfer and Cryopreservation: Healthy embryos are selected for the transfer. A speculum (a medical tool for checking the openings in the body such as anus or nostril) is inserted into your vagina for the transfer. With the help of a small plastic tube which is placed through the cervix into uterine cavity, embryo are transferred.

Guru Multispeciality Hospital is the best IVF Clinic in Madurai which provides effective IVF Pregnancy in Tamil Nadu with advanced and sophisticated techniques.