Friday, 25 September 2015

Best Ante Natal Care in Madurai

It is a preventive healthcare treatment provided at the time of pregnancy. It allow doctors to treat and prevent potential health problems at the period of pregnancy. In this time women need prenatal vitamins for the healthy growth of the child. For this prenatal vitamins, women must go for the regular check-ups in the hospital and must receive the medical information about the food supplements and vitamins. 

At the period of pregnancy an ultra sound scan is needed during the 8th and 12th week. This ultra sound scan will provide certain important points
-Fetal development. Growth of baby is roughly calculated by measuring the distance between pelvic bone & top of the womb.
-Diet and nutrition.
-Information on exercises like pelvic floor exercises, general exercises etc.
-Screening test information.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

IVF: Mild Milder Mildest

IVF in the initial days was done in the natural cycle, in other words no medicines were used to boost or prevent ovulation. As a result, the success in getting an egg and achieving a pregnancy was very inefficient. Louise Brown, world’s first IVF baby was conceived after a whopping 102 failed embryo transfers!

In the pursuit of better success, new drugs and protocols were developed so as to enable more number of eggs. To get more eggs, ovarian stimulation was warranted. To prevent premature ovulation required the use of GnRH analogue and antagonist injections.

Ovarian stimulation can get into trouble when the stimulation is too much. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to give the 'right' degree of stimulation. This is especially the case in ladies with PCOS as these women are at higher risk of developing the complication of Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or OHSS. The need to make IVF safer has over the years turned the clock back to natural or milder IVF. 

While natural IVF continues to be quite inefficient, Mild IVF can enable a middle path to achieve reasonable pregnancy rates at a cost effective price. Mild IVF is also of benefit to women with lower ovarian reserves who do not respond well to stimulation. In these women, a specially designed protocol using Clomiphene tablets and low doses of FSH/hMG injections. The eggs retrieved are fertilised and frozen. Multiple cycles are usually required to accumulate embryos which are then transferred to enable pregnancy.

It is therefore best to consult an IVF specialist to enable a treatment that is best suited to you that would enable you to achieve your dream in a safe and cost-effective manner.