Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Infertility Treatments in India

What is LEEP ?

LEEP is Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure. An electrically heated wire loop is used in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) for removing the the cells or tissues for the diagnosis of cancerous or abnormal conditions in female genital tract.

One of the abnormality in cervix is named as cervical dysplasia were cells grow abnormally on the surface. This is not cancerous in nature but can worsen and can lead to cancer in the future. Here LEEP technique is used for taking the cells for lab examination. This technique is also used for removing the abnormal cells and thus to allow the growth of healthy tissues.

Guru Infertility Center in Madurai provides the best Infertility Treatments in India including LEEP.

When is LEEP used ?

  • LEEP is a technique used in situations where vaginal or cervical abnormalities are found during the examination or on a Pap Test. 
  • LEEP is used to detect or diagnose cancer in the vagina or cervix.
  • LEEP is used to assist various treatments for conditions like genital warts, polyps etc..

Friday, 19 June 2015

Seven Quick Takes - (#12)

1. This is my new favorite piece of paper. I've waited a long, long time for this piece of paper. Longer
than I ever waited for a degree, and wayyy more anticipated. This was received after I made the final payment....and it represents 100% of my education paid off (from AA to MA to post graduate studies)!! If this isn't a form of conceiving hope, then I don't know what is!

2. This is my new favorite piece of glass. Because I made it! A dear friend showed me how to do it and I had a lot of fun making it. Before I learned the process, I had no idea how it worked. This was the result of 17 different shards of glass and a little bit of frit (glass dust) being fired at over 1300 degrees Fahrenheit for several hours. Here's the interesting thing I learned about glassmaking: you really have to know what you want to do and how you want to accomplish it. I didn't know either. But who can go wrong with a Little Flower tribute? She's been pretty present in my life for the past five years, so that's what I went with....but now to figure out what to do with my little handmade cabachon. Pendant? Part of a handmade shrine? Ideas?

3. This is my least favorite advice from this week: One of my best friends told me that he thought I was "choosing to live in the past" when he saw me acknowledge the life and death of my son on a facebook post months ago (read it here). It amazes me how almost 20 years of friendship can leave two people so disconnected on a topic they both completely agree on: the importance of family. He then went on to make it better by saying that "at least if I never have children, I can have a nice married life without kids". I'm pretty sure I'm done listening to people tell me how they are processing my experience with child loss and infertility. Even the people I love dearly! Go hug your infertile friends, people!!

4.WIWE: This is my new favorite recipe for the week. I don't use any spirulina, but I do use a little matcha powder. The flavor hearkens directly back to the after-dinner Andes mints my grandmother used to give me as a child, but with clean ingredients that I don't have to worry about! Next up to try is this pie. Last week I made this and these and they were amazing.

5. This is my new favorite probiotic. I gotta say, me and my 900 billion new friends... we're pretty tight. All puns intended. I saw a change in my digestion within 24 hours of starting these. None of the bloating I've read others talking about either! If you are on a mission to heal a leaky gut (like I am), then here's what my current regime entails: Bio Kult, Prescript Assist, and Ultimate Flora (Critical Care) all rotated with each other. I've read that using probiotic strains that are native to soil is a better way to begin repopulation... so that's where the Bio Kult came in. The others are just to keep the strains rotated to built back gut flora quicker. This new one is ridiculous. I lost 3 inches off my waist over NIGHT. Now granted, I don't have UC or IBS diagnosed and I definitely don't have an IP, so I suppose this is an off-label usage for me. But with my inflammation issues and history of endo... I figured it couldn't hurt to try it. UHmazing results. 

6. The Twin Hearts Novena was prayed by 15 people this year (who shared with me). I have no idea who else might have been lurking... so I can only go off of those who commented on the novena post or who sent me a private message. Thank you to everyone who joined me in prayer! And thank you for letting me pray for you and your intentions. And THANK YOU for praying for mine. I hope everyone had a wonderful Feast of the Sacred Heart, as well as a blessed Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Lord, hear our prayers. Mother Mary, pray for us in our need.

7. Don't forget to give the 7QT host some love.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Seven Quick Takes (#11) - Blogiversary Edition


1. So it's officially been a year since I sat down at the keys and figured out how to make a blog! And then, miracle-of-miracles, I kept up with it. So, umm, that's never happened before... And while it feels like an accomplishment unto itself, this blogiversary is also a stark realization that I am not yet a mother to a living child. It doesn't weigh on me as heavily every day as it did a year ago, and that's a good thing. There is no less desire in my heart for a child... but I focus on the likelihood of it happening a lot less now than I did when I first sat down and put my fingers on the keys. I've been conceiving hope in other ways, trying to make the best of this infertile prison... while I watch everyone else leave the island. It's a surreal feeling. I write this not so much as a depressing update, but as a reminder to all that the pains of infertility don't always end in having living children. So many of the people I have met online since this journey began (read: most) have moved on to family life raising children. That's just not our story. And I actually think it gives a little hope to others in the same situation to remind them that they aren't alone. Our dreams haven't come true either. We're praying with you.

2. I never set out to write a blog that got a lot of clicks. And it's a good thing I didn't measure any success on that. But while the traffic here stays low, the private interaction with my audience stays high. You all are searching for the same answers I'm searching for... and when I get up the courage to write a prayer, offer friendly advice, or seek to pray with you, it seems to matter to you. So thank you, dear readers. I hope you will continue on this journey with me as I try to make sense of the God's Plan. I'm slowly getting out of my blindered IF haze and starting to learn how to live life again. Gracious thanks for your encouragement! And thank you to everyone who prayed along with me on the Twin Novena that I finished today!

3. Y'all apparently love a good series, advice, prayers, recipes, and a little controversy! The most shared, read, pinned, and tweeted posts seem to be the ones that are really written with a raw heart here. One of the things I set out to do at the beginning of this was to write the posts I was looking for and couldn't find. I wanted to be able to have concrete words to give people to say this is what infertility really is and this is why IVF is wrong and any number of posts I haven't even been able to write and publish yet. My hope is that the traffic on these posts means you were looking for the same. Any time you comment, I feel encouraged... so keep it up if you find this content helpful! :)

4. There has been some change going on in my life recently (hence being at the keys a little less). I can't really talk about any of it publicly yet, even with this being an anonymous blog. Some of the change is for good, some of it isn't. We'll have to see how it all pans out. In the meantime, I'm trying to distract myself with my studies and to be the best at FCP-ing as I can be. So far, I'm about 1/4 the way through the program to certification. It's not much yet, but I'm doing really well with what I have already accomplished and hoping that streak continues. I'll reach the 1/2 way point in September 2015.... so keep me in your prayers for that? Thanks!

5. After many months (read: years!) of craziness in my luteal phase, I've reached a good and stable post peak phase of 15 days. PMS is gone for the most part, thanks to my post peak supplementation and the LDN. Now it's just a matter of trying to figure out the ovulation defect and how to improve that. A doctor recently mentioned that micro-hCG injections pre-peak could be the way to stimulate better ovulation for people like me. I'm interested in learning more and will let you know what I find in my research. But seriously... back to the absence of PMS... there needs to be a parade!!!

6. It's been a while since I gave an update on Duck Watch here on the blog. It's an idea I came up with last October that involves a mighty adventure. The adventure has not yet unfolded, nor have the ducky details. Right now, all you know is that it involves a duck. Potentially some water. Potentially a traveling adventure. And it will likely happen in 2015. Ravenous for a clue? Care to venture a guess? Here you go: It's American, French, and English at the same time...and manages to be very gassy while still being terribly classy, if you can imagine that.

7. Remember to give the 7QT host some love! It's been a while since I linked up, but I hope you enjoyed this little edition! :)

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

A Novena for Twins

So it's that time again! Last year, I posted a novena for those praying for twins.... but there was a twist. It's really a novena to the Twin Hearts. And even if you didn't get a chance to join along with me last year - you should consider giving it a try this year. I'm posting a new take on the novena this year, but feel free to use the version from last year if you prefer it. The novena starts today... and it's simple to follow along with... so will you pray with me?

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a movable feast on the liturgical calendar, which means that it depends on the date of Easter Sunday each year. The only constant is that it is always celebrated 19 days after Pentecost Sunday. That means for 2015, we'll celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 12th. The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated on the Saturday after the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So for 2015, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 13th. (Sidenote: If you happen to find this novena at some other point in the year than the lead up to the Feast Days discussed above - no need to wait - go ahead and start praying it! This is a novena that can be prayed any time of the year!)

It would be difficult to meditate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus without also thinking about the woman who conceived hope for all of mankind, through the power of the Holy Spirit. It took an Immaculate Heart to do that. And that's just what God gave the Blessed Virgin Mary! So because of this beautiful Divine reality that we understand through Jesus and Mary - Jesus through Mary - meditating on the Twin Hearts seems meant for those with a special devotion to twins. Doesn't it? You will literally be praying two novenas concurrently... but starting with Christ. It's a beautiful double helix of a prayer...with the humanity of Jesus and Mary being intertwined with the divinity of the Triune God.

The truth about praying for twins is that it's not always going to manifest in birthing newborn twins biologically. A girl can hope though. This girl certainly does. While talking about herself in the third person I might add! More importantly - a prayer for twins is a sign of being open to God's will. 
Let it be done unto me doubly! Let me be the exhausted handmaid of the Lord! Step back for a moment and think about that. When we pray to both Hearts, we're asking Mary to understand our longing in a special way... but we're also asking Jesus for mercy. We're asking for Mary to pray for us and for Jesus to heal and soothe our hearts. So it seems a perfect pairing for those who have a special call on their hearts for twins to pray to these Two and to ask for intercession for the longing in our hearts. Join me in praying this year, and maybe next year, there will have been answers revealed in your life that will make this particular novena seem obviously fruitful. Don't mind me while I daydream about the answer being actual, tangible, crying newborn twins. I'll just be over here in crazy-town dreaming my big dreams..... conceiving hope however I can. :) 

Send me a message if you are praying with me and I'll include you in my novena! Also, don't forget to pray for our Adopt-a-Blogger this month (because every infertile girl could use a set of twins, amirite?!)  ;) And if twins aren't on your heart - pray for the intentions of the twin hearts involved in your marriage. And if you aren't married yet, pray for the twin heart that hasn't been sacramentally joined to yours yet. 

It takes about 10 minutes per night and here's the plan:

The first day, you will pray one decade of a rosary and then say the prayer to the Twin Hearts. This prayer will be prayed each of the 10 days of this novena, with the addition of your intentions at the end of it. B
e specific. Ask God what's on your heart. Give Him your pain. Once you've finished with your intentions, you will begin to pray the Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This prayer will be prayed for 9 days. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 6/12, you will end the Sacred Heart novena with the first decade of a Divine Mercy Chaplet.

On the second day of prayer, you incorporate the second novena. You begin the same, but you end it differently: Pray your decade of the rosary, then praying the prayer to the Twin Hearts, then add your intentions, then pray the Sacred Heart Novena, and then you will begin the second novena. Do this by praying another decade of the rosary, then pray the Novena Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On the last day of praying (the 10th day), You are praying a decade of the rosary, the prayer to the Twin Hearts, then adding your intentions, then praying the Novena Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and then you will end with the Regina Coeli (which can be found about half way down the page on that link). 


If you prefer to have a hard copy of the instructions, here's a free printable of this novena. Hover over the top right corner and click on the right button to "pop out". From there, you can download, print, or save it. Feel free to post this wherever you tweet, post photos, share, or like things!